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  Participate Safety First  
Be Ready Clean Up
Respect Patience

Foods Lab


Actively Participate Demonstrate safety
Cooperate with Team Members Treat Equipment with Care
Sample the Dishes Prepared No Running, Throwing, or Roughhousing
Work Together to Clean the Kitchens Follow ALL Special Rules for Each Lab

Foods Lab Dress Code


No flip-flops or sandals

 Shoes need to completely cover the foot for proper protection

Ponytails are a must & bandanas WILL be worn by all students

If your hair can be pulled back, it needs to be

Avoid wearing shorts on lab days

Wearing shorts leaves your legs unprotected from hot water or broken glass

Do not wear baggy clothing

Baggy sleeves & shirts catch in doors or on burners



  Planner Folder  
Pencil/Pen Homework due
Notebook or Paper Your full attention
Supplies for sewing projects - a letter will be sent home at the appropriate time