

Home Classes Expectations Ms.Leitheiser Calendar Assignments Links Lesson Plans


7th Grade 8th Grade
Food Guide Pyramid Sewing Careers
Guided Instructions Sewing Quiz FACS Career Comparison
My Pyramid Graphic Organizer Sewing Quiz Supplement Career Brochure Template
My Pyramid PP Instructions Sewing Quiz - mod  
Booklet Instructions Sewing Machine History Career Quest - SD My Life
My Pyramid Poster Instruction    
My Pyramid Poster Template Food Safety Career PowerPoint Template
My Pyramid Template MOD Bacteria Wanted Poster - Publisher Version Foods
  Bacteria Wanted Poster - Word Version Principles of Baking Poster
    Vegetable List
Career Quest - Glogster Project Nutrition Fruit List
Career Glog Example Nutrient Story Fruit and Vegetable Glog
Glogster How-to Nutrient Quest Fruit and Vegetable Glog Rubric

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Classroom Notes